Saturday 19 July 2008

19th July 2008-Two Face Pic and Birthday

So, last tuesday was my birthday and it was (mostly-more on that later) awesome! I got loads of cool stuff including batman the long halloween and the killing joke and batman begins and gotham knight on dvd... I am now officialy in complete batmania with the dark knight coming out next weekend over here in the uk

So, as a tribute to the awesome graphic novel, Batman the Long Halloween here's a drawing of two face

The book was in-credible! it was like a gangster story mixed with batman and it had a great ensemble of villians from the batman universe

On to the not so awesome part of the day...
So my last present of the day was a big white box with wii fit written on the side. I was looking forward to playing it after i'd heard it was loads of fun from some friends of mine so i popped in the disc, synched up the board, did a bmi test (woohoo for ideal bmi!) and then i wanted to try one of the balance games so i chose the football game where you head the balls and dodge the boots... it didn't go so well... I was having a great time mainly getting hit in the face and then i tried to do a super awesome dodge and hit move and landed on my ass with my knee in excruciating pain.

The next morning i went to to the hospital. They weren't sure what was wrong with me but they put me on crutches for the next few weeks. I had an MRI scan this morning (not fun) and i'll find out what's wrong with me on monday so i'm hoping it's not too bad

Either way i had a brilliant birthday I got a new camera which is awesome
An art of kung fu panda book-Also awesome
These assorted awesome things

And a load of other equally awesome things

....As well as a board that put me on crutches for two weeks. Still, it's the thought that counts

Monday 7 July 2008

7th July 2008-Blinded by overexposure to pure awesomeness!

Saw kung fu panda yesterday. Pure. Awesomeness.
I saw it at the imax and it really looked stunning! Some of the more fast-paced scenes were a bit hard to follow on the 8 storey high screen but overall the epic fights and hilarious gags were fantastic!
I loved the 2-D scenes as well, especially this one:
(Click for video)

"He was so deadly in fact that his enemies would go blind from overexposure to pure awesomeness!"
Anyway, here's the sketches for today, sorry for the delay between the updates

And here's my entry for kizer180's DevDome Project

(Click the images for full-size)

Thursday 19 June 2008

19th June 2008-all the colours of the rainbow!

Today i've been trying out some custom brushes that i've made and an awesome colour swatch from deviantart (here: It works really well and it's loads of fun to find all the different combinations

here are the sketches/paintings:

(Click for full-size)

Wednesday 18 June 2008

18th June 2008 pt.III-Cool Stuff

Here's some cool new stuff that's been around from the last few days:
Team Fortress 2 Meet The Sniper Video:
Team Fortress 2 New Pyro Gun:
Sonic Unleashed actually looks good:
Cool tornado Picture:
Spore Creature Creator released:
My Spore Creations:
First Look At Two-Face in the Dark Knight:

18th June 2008 pt.II-Sketches bitches!

Ok, so I haven't posted any sketches in a few days so here's a collection of the best from those days

And here's one that you may have seen if you watch me on deviantArt

(Click images for full-size)

18th June 2008 pt.I-Mr Incredible

This is my father's day present for my dad. We both love the Incredibles so I thought I'd paint this for him, it took the best part of two days and i'm really pleased with how it came out


(Click for full-size)

Saturday 14 June 2008

14th June 2008-First Update! Brawlness!

OK, so this is my first proper post and seeing as how this is a sketchblog let's start with the sketches!

I'm so excited for brawl to come out in the uk (13 days left!) that all i could draw today was brawl characters (and some wierd alien). This is all I drew today because I had lots of things to do and people to see but most of the time you'll get a handful of my best sketches or single best sketch from the day/group of days and it will probably be presented better as well...

Enough blabbering! here are the sketches:

(Click the image for full-res)